Free On-Demand Training Reveals 

"How To Create A  
 Successful Kids Business,
That Makes Sales In The First Week "

The Proven Life Changing,
Free Training Every Young Person Needs 

As Seen In The Media

Here's Exactly What We'll Share 
In This Free Masterclass : 

In this practical, step-by-step training we'll show you: 

Our Simple 5 Step System to create a successful business run by a young person 
The Super Easy Quick Start Process That Gets Results Quickly 
How To Get Keep Any Young Person To Be Motivated In Business And Become A Self Driven Action Taker
The Success Secrets Of Some Amazing Teenage Millionaire  Business Owners 
How To Pick A winning Idea your kids will love 
How to grow and scale your business the easy way 
How to make your first sales in less than 7 days 

Imagine If Your Kids 

  • Learned and Demonstrated Real Business Skills 
  • Earned and Managed Their Own Money 
  • Start and Run Their Own Successful Business
  • Developed the Skill-set Of An Entrepreneur

Ask yourself.. If you had learned these skills at a young age, How different would your life be today... 

Give Your Kids A Huge Advantage

Lets’s face it - kids aren’t getting this in school. 

As we look back on our own schooling, we never attended even one class in school about how to budget our income, how a mortgage worked, or how to market online or manage cash flow in your own business.

We certainly missed the lessons on how to build, grow and scale profitable businesses at a young age to set up up for success in life. 

The sad reality is that most kids today are pushed into a system that gives them no choice but to enter the employment trap and be stuck in the unfulfilling rat race for rest of their lives. 

The good news is that by teaching your kids real life business skills at a young age will set them up for success, freedom and give them a true unfair advantage in life 

How To Create A Successful Kids Business In Less Than 7 Days 

In less than 1 week your kids will be well on their way to being successful business owners earning their own income! 

You will learn practical, step-by- step tactics, to creating a successful kid’s business and be inspired by teens who already have a successful business of their own.

Your kids will be able to say goodbye forever to flipping burgers and expectations of pocket money.

Plus, you will be able to spend quality time building incredible memories while making money at the same time.

In this Free Trainingwe’ll show you step by step exactly how your kids can become successful entrepreneurs. 

Here Are A Few 30 Days Results 

Who are we and how can we help you…

Ben and Sheri Jones

If you haven’t met us before we are a husband and wife team with four wonderful children. We are also serial Entrepreneurs and Investors who have an unshakable optimism for young people and entrepreneurship.

As our kids started to grow up, they started to want incomes of their own. It was important to us to give them the financial education we never had in school.

We felt that they best way, was to help them take what they are passionate about and turn it into profitable businesses. After starting a business with our sons, we kept getting asked by other parents how to do it. We looked everywhere for a quality education program where we could send them but could find anything. So we decided to create our own

Over the years we have worked with thousands of families from all over the world, showing them how to help their kids become financially independent and achieve their own goals and dreams.

The kids we have mentored have gone on to create awesome businesses and received recognition in local, national and international newspapers, radio and TV coverage. Some of them are even earning more than their School principal (one even wrote a book about it) and a bunch of them are looking at buying houses before they are 18.

These days we love sharing what we’ve learned on our journey as parents of budding entrepreneurs. For us there is nothing more satisfying than the excitement young people have when they start making their first business income!

These are just A Handful of happy Parents... 

Click On The Images To Play The Videos... 👇🏻

Here's Some More... Of what people have to say about our free training 

Here Are Just A Few 30 Day Results 

Free On-Demand Masterclass  

Lets Open Your Kids Minds to A Bright Future in Business 

Where they can learn the Skillset of an Entrepreneur 

Becoming truly self reliant,  by learning  how to turn their Ideas into Income 

All before they Leave School 

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Youth In Business Masterclass 

How To Create A Successful Kids Business That Makes Sales In The First Week 

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How To Create A Successful Kids Business That Makes Sales In The First Week

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